Monday, September 20, 2010

JFX Farmer's Market & Bloody Mary's with Old Bay Rimmer!

We have slacked on updating the blog but we have actually accomplished a few list items!

On 6/20 (that's exactly 3 months ago for those of you keeping score at home!) we made a trip to the JFX Farmer’s Market. I wish I could remember more details about that day, but sadly my brain storage is all filled up with things less exciting then the farmer's market. Anyway, our group consisted of Melissa, Ryan, Morgan, Shane and myself. I remember we ate some tasty stuff, met a really awesome man who sold us a giant bag of veggies for $5 and met the owners of our favorite beef, Hickory Chance Farms. If you are a beef eater, I highly suggest checking out their products. They sell them at lots of farms, markets or you can buy from them directly. It was a hot, but beautiful and luckily for us the JFK provided some much need shade!

On 8/29, we knocked the Blood Mary's with Old Bay Rimmer off the list. The previous day we completed a pub crawl and decide the best way to recover from an entire day of drinking is too drink more for breakfast! Since it's only a hop, skip and jump from Canton Square, we walked from Ryan and Morgan's house to Speakeasy Saloon to grab some breakfast. We weren't planning on completing a list item that morning but the Baltimore Foodie Challenge gods made it so! The food was delicious and the Blood Mary's were even better.

**Warning - Please keep in mind these pictures were taken the morning following a pub crawl! **

Tune in next time for another update on a tasty Baltimore treat!


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